How to Type an Em Dash (—) Symbol

The em dash (—) is a punctuation mark that gets its name from its length, which is roughly the same width as the letter “M” in most typefaces. It’s longer than a hyphen (-) or an en dash (–) and is used for more stylistic or impactful purposes.

Common Uses of the Em Dash

  • Breaking Sentences: To create dramatic pauses or emphasize information.
    Example: “The results were clear—he had won the election.”
  • Replacing Parentheses: To insert additional information without breaking the flow.
    Example: “My brother—who just got his driver’s license—is taking me to school.”
  • Substituting Colons: To introduce a list or explanation.
    Example: “She loved three things—coffee, books, and long walks.”

Typing an Em Dash (—) on Windows

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

On Windows, you can use the following shortcut:

  • Alt Code Method:
    1. Hold down the Alt key.
    2. Type 0151 on the numeric keypad.
    3. Release the Alt key, and the em dash will appear.

Alternative Methods for Em Dash on Windows

  • Use Microsoft Word’s auto-formatting feature by typing two hyphens (--) followed by a space or text.
  • Copy and paste an em dash from another source (e.g., Google search or a document).

Typing an Em Dash (—) on Mac

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac users have a straightforward shortcut:

  • Press Option + Shift + - (hyphen key).

Alternative Methods for Em Dash on Mac

  • Use the character viewer:
    1. Click Edit in the menu bar.
    2. Select Emoji & Symbols.
    3. Search for “Em Dash” and double-click it to insert.

Typing an Em Dash on Smartphones

Using iOS Devices

  1. Open the keyboard.
  2. Hold down the hyphen (-) key.
  3. Select the em dash (—) from the pop-up options.

Typing an Em Dash on Android Devices

  1. Access the keyboard.
  2. Long-press the hyphen key.
  3. Choose the em dash from the menu.

Typing an Em Dash in Word Processors

Microsoft Word

  • Type two hyphens (--) followed by a space or text, and Word will automatically convert it to an em dash.
  • Alternatively, use the Windows shortcut Ctrl + Alt + - (on the numeric keypad).

Google Docs

  • Type two hyphens (--) and press space, or use the insert menu:
    1. Click Insert > Special Characters.
    2. Search for “em dash” and click to insert.

Other Word Processors

  • Most modern word processors, like LibreOffice or Scrivener, support the two-hyphen conversion or allow you to insert an em dash via the symbols menu.

Typing an Em Dash in HTML and Coding

HTML Entities for Em Dash

To include an em dash in HTML code, use the following entity:

Example html:

<p>This is an em dash example &mdash; for clarity.</p>

Typing an Em Dash in Code Editors

Use Unicode:

  • \u2014 in JavaScript or JSON.
  • Copy and paste directly into the code.

Typing an Em Dash with Unicode

Using Unicode Values

Unicode allows you to insert the em dash in any application:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + U.
  2. Type 2014 and press Enter.

Em Dash in Special Applications

For design tools like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, access the glyph panel to insert an em dash.

Differences Between Em Dash, En Dash, and Hyphen

Visual and Functional Differences

TypeSymbolLengthCommon Use
Hyphen(-)ShortestCompound words
En Dash(–)MediumRanges (e.g., 5–10)
Em Dash(—)LongestBreaks or emphasis

When to Use Each Dash Type

  • Use hyphens for compound modifiers (e.g., “well-known author”).
  • Use en dashes for ranges (e.g., “pages 50–100”).
  • Use em dashes for dramatic pauses or parenthetical expressions.

FAQs About the Em Dash

1. Why Is It Called an Em Dash?
The name comes from its length, which is approximately the width of the letter “M.”

2. How Does an Em Dash Differ From Other Dashes?
It’s longer and more versatile than hyphens or en dashes.

3. Can You Use Two Hyphens as an Em Dash Substitute?
Yes, but only in plain text formats where an em dash isn’t supported.

4. How Do You Type an Em Dash in Emails?
Use the keyboard shortcuts or copy and paste it from a document.